Pari Moradi (*1977 Teheran) studied English Philology in Teheran and, after immigrating to Germany in 2002, Indo-Germanic Philology in Münster. In 2007, she began working as a self-taught painter. In 2011, she was the first artist to receive a fellowship from the Michael Horbach Foundation. She lives and works in Cologne and Mallorca.

A vase is stable and stands upright, but it can quickly fall and break.
Stability, instability and fragility are closely connected.
How do people form their own vases? Do they make them into works of art?
What do we fill them with? How full is our own vase at the end of the day?

Whereas in her earlier paintings and drawings, Pari depicted whole or pieced-together terracotta vessels, in her most recent series of works, she turns to shards. According to superstition, shards bring luck. And when we understand that weak, wounded, or handicapped people are like living shards, then it is only logical that they also bring luck. Their suffering makes them strong – and it is in fact much easier to break a whole terracotta vessel than it is to break a shard, the form of which is surprisingly stable and robust. These and other thoughts are what Pari seems to have in mind when she paints or draw shards. These are extremely humanistic concepts, which prove that art is still indispensible when it comes to the further development of humanity and culture.

Solo Exhibitions (selection):

2015 Raum für Kunst, Heuberg 24, Basel
2015 Galeria Fran Reus, Palma, Mallorca
2015 Galerie Neuheisel, Saarbrücken
2014 Can Gelabert, Casal de Cultura, Binissalem, Mallorca
2014 Galerie Hexagone, Aachen
2013 Galeria Llux Fluxa, Palma, Mallorca
2013 Kunsträume of the Michael Horbach Stiftung, Cologne
2012 Centro Cultural, St. Maria, Mallorca
2011 Kunsträume of the Michael Horbach Foundation, Cologne
2010 Bennohaus, Münster