Frank Herzog
Frank Herzog (*1949 in Bückeburg) studied Painting and Graphic Arts at the School of Arts and Crafts in Bielefeld. In 1971, he was co-founder of the project group KUPO (Kunst und Politik / Art and Politics), and began working as an independent artist in 1984, with studios in Cologne and Hamburg. In 2000, he was awarded a working grant from Kunstfonds, Bonn. Since 2003, he has been working in Eichenhardt in the Westerwald, where he lives together with his family.
The sculptural group of shopping bags are dispersed casually across the floor of the exhibition space. The ensemble reveals a panorama of consumer needs and simultaneously visualises an economic cross-section of society.
Frank Herzog allows traces of tools and working processes to remain visible in the surfaces of his sculptures in order to emphasise the specific differences to their respective sources. The painting of the sculptures’ surfaces is not only a bearer of the respective colour composition, but also represents genuine painting with its own characteristic style and richness of nuances.