Flor Garduño

<p>Flor Garduño</p>

Flor Garduño was born in Mexico City in 1957. She works and lives in Stabio (Switzerland) and Tepozlán (Mexico). Her work has been presented in several museums and galleries, including the Art Institute in Chicago, the MoMA in New York City or the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. From April to July 2011 there will be a big exhibition in the San Ildefonso College, a museum and cultural center in Mexico City.

Her powerful black and white photography is characterized by a balanced composition that leads to a poetic, almost meditative impression. In her pictures Flor Garduño shows the lives and rituals of indigenous people throughout the Americas. She went on numerous trips to remote parts of Latin America (eg: Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala), observed their living arrangements, rituals and traditions and captured typical situations and moments on camera.

When Garduño gave birth to her second child, this event made her decide to change the way she photographs and the choice of her motifs. She began to concentrate on still life’s, portraits and female nudes. She set up a small studio in a shed next to her home and she used her friends and relatives as models. Her latest pictures allow the viewer to provide an insight into her environment, her inner world.