Pari Moradi

Pari Moradi, born in Tehran in 1977, is an Iranian artist and the first recipient of the Michael Horbach Foundation grant. She originally studied English and Indo-European Studies. In 2009, she taught herself to paint and pursued this creative path.

Paris's art requires both intense examination and understanding of her personal biography. Many of her works are defined by the ambivalent relationship to her country of origin and the interaction of multiple cultures. For although Pari is now based in Germany, her country of origin remains a dominant theme - for her personally but also for her artistic path.

Paris's art is easy to describe - and yet difficult at the same time. She works predominantly in series, producing images about specific, recurring topics. The themes of dream and reality are particularly present in these series. The different levels of reality in a picture can be identified through her use of differentiations in color. She achieves this without breaking up the content of the pictures. They unite with one another and develop a thoughtful, almost melancholy effect.